Appropriate Boundaries

Since 2017, in a joint effort with our bargaining unit partners, the Sweetwater Union High School District has been conducting Appropriate Boundaries training with numerous employee groups. These guidelines are for school employees and focused on reducing the perception of impropriety with students. These best practices are offered to protect employees from allegations of misconduct. The purpose of these guidelines is not to restrain positive, appropriate relationships between staff and students, but to prevent inappropriate interactions that could be perceived as or lead to sexual misconduct complaints and/or charges.

Staff members involved with students must understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate interactions. Staff members must engage in appropriate interactions with students at all times and be aware of avoiding interactions which could appear inappropriate.

APPROPRIATE INTERACTIONS are those that focus on creating safe learning environments where students are able to grow, learn, ask for help, create positive relationships and develop social skills.

INAPPROPRIATE INTERACTIONS cross boundaries separating student needs from adult needs, and could create a relationship that becomes peer-to-peer rather than adult-to-student. Staff members trespassing beyond established boundaries of staff-to-student relationships are deemed to be abusing power and betraying the public trust.
